Brand Formation

“You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.”

C.G. Jung

There is much chatter about what branding is or is not. Just short of slinging a dart to determine the end-all-be-all definition, I have clung to the simple suggestion that branding is a promise PLUS the carry-through on that promise. Alan Adamson’s book, BrandSimple further refines the definition:“A brand is what your product or service stands for in people’s minds. Brands live in your head… Mental associations that get stirred up when you think of a particular car or camera or watch or pair of jeans.” (

Branding Board


The branding board solidifies several visual components and is a good starting point for Cowboy Kimono’s identity guidelines. The time it took to develop, is time well spent - visual elements play such a crucial role in how followers perceive the brand!

Social Media Posts

Aligning my brand design with my marketing goal led to uniting my brand personality with my social voice. To develop a genuine voice that truly cares about its audience, it is critical to post relevant content consistently. Keeping the 80/20 Rule in mind, Cowboy Kimono’s ideal social media calendar packs entertaining, useful, and solution based posts with a sprinkling of promotional posts.

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Email Modification


Video Exploration